Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 is not your year

It’s that time of year, right after Christmas and right before New Years, when you all start reflecting on all the dumb shit you did during the year and all the good shit you’re going to do next year. Yeah, shut that shit up. Don’t talk about, be about it. If you’ve been in the habit of claiming years keep that shit quiet then open your mouth when you have some sort of triumph under your belt. I’m just the type of guy to say “I thought this was your year tho” when they are repossessing your car. I’m about that life.
2012 is just not a good year to claim
We’re already expecting the world to end based on a calendar of a civilization that got wiped out about 4 centuries back. I don’t know how they foretold the ending of the world but didn’t see the Spaniards coming. Welp, life comes at you fast. Besides these doomsday predictions, natural disasters have been on a roll these last few years. I personally experienced an earthquake and a hurricane in a 7 day span. Add more natural disasters along with global warming plus the economy is still fucked up; I wouldn’t start claiming any years until maybe 2015. You know let the whole apocalypse thing get old and give renewable energy a decent head start, maybe you should see if Obama gets that second term or not. I’m just saying 2012 is already rocky and it hasn’t even started yet.
365 days is a mighty long time
Some of ya’ll are praying to Jesus, Ali and whoever else you think might be listening to make this year better than the last year. Some of ya’ll are doing that same prayer just to make it from pay check to pay check and from day to day. Claiming and entire year may be just a little bit more than you can handle, especially if you’re waiting for somebody to jump down out the sky and give you a helping hand. Start small claim a month. Make February your month not only because it’s the shortest month of the year but because you can prepare for it all 31 days of January. Winning, but here's some other reasons why you shouldn’t claim 2012 as your year…
If you stood in line for those Concords Jordan 11’s but fail to acquire them
You can’t claim a year if you can’t even successfully buy a pair of Nike’s. It’s still early I’m sure nobody has claimed Memorial Day weekend yet if you act fast you can have that.
If any of your kids are less than B students
I don’t know who will end up with final ownership of 2012 but you better believe their kids won’t be in that slow class. Get your kids education up first then maybe you can claim a year or two. Parent of the year 2014 has a nice ring to it.
If you pay a car note on a car over 10 years old
You still dropping 300 a month on that 1999 Tahoe from Eastern Motors. You can’t claim a year if you don’t even fully own a car that came out last century.
You own every pair of Foamposites
The man of the year won’t be wearing lime green shoes, trust me on this one.
You’re unemployed
The best way to get a jump on a new year is having some sort of income. When the clock strikes 12 and you're popping Miller High Life because it was either a 6 pack of that or a bottle of Strawberry Andre champagne, you already know this is a year for rebuilding. Don’t go claiming any championships.
You have a RUSH card
If you’re depending on a card with a Phat Farm logo on it to take your girl to the movies and order your snap backs online 2012 can’t belong to you. I won’t allow it. I’ll find you and I’ll stop you. Someway somehow I’ll put an end to your campaign for ownership of 2012.
I have no dibs placed on 2012
Jean DeGrate has spoken

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