Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just Random II (Just My Thoughts)

I hate to see women wearing jeans with no pockets
Why would you buy denim tights? Real talk I won’t even talk to a chick wearing no pocket jeans (unless she super phat you; got to draw the line somewhere). Where do you even buy pocketless jeans? “Ya’ll got jeans with no pockets? Cool; let me get two pairs.”

Recording artist I think I can beat up
So I’m sitting at my desk listening to the first John Legend CD (Get Lifted) straight classic but its one song I normally skip past called “Alright”. The premise of the song is John Legend pushing up on this girl that’s with her dude in the club while he is drunk. Man I would beat John Legend’s ass; I mean this shit would make TMZ I’d have my very own YouTube clip called celebrity beat down. John Legend already looks like he already living on the softer side of life, he needs to be the last guy trying to take anybody’s girl.

Walking with a switch when you have a subpar ass
About two weeks ago, this woman is coming towards me with this mean walk ,as soon as she passed I had to look back to see what she was working with. I look back... and nothing. I wasn’t expecting Buffie the body or anything in that range just some quality cheekage because she was switching like she was carrying something. Instead I get an eye full of subpar ass almost concave butt; yeah all bad. Then over the next few days this switching and bad cheek combo was all over the place and it draws unnecessary attention to your unflattering ass.

Shiny Nickels
The world is filled with assortment of 5’s tall, short, skinny, fat, oddly shape, etc. If you’re looking for a 5 just about any flavor is literally around the corner. It just blows my mind that every other chick is a 5 star, dime or whatever women are referring to themselves as now a days but it’s just a slew of polished up make-up upped alarmingly average women. I still ain’t never met a 10 in my entire life.

Zoe Saldana - Super Overrated
I have seen about 15 Zoe flicks including Avatar, Drum Line, Losers and lastly Death at a Funeral. She is cute and rail thin, she is pretty much the black Gwyneth Paltrow minus the ability to carry a movie on her own. Every roll she has played to date, I can imagine somebody else playing it better (well maybe not Drum Line but everything else for sure). She seems to be filling the void that Halle Berry left behind when the casting directors started looking for a new black chick that looks good playing opposite of a white man. When you see her kissing that white man in the mouth you immediately think “Yeah I can go for that she looks like the type” and she’s built like a typical white woman which just makes it even more believable. Once I get pass that she does nothing for me, I’ve never had a “Zoe just killed that role” moment ever but she doing like 5 movies a year and ain’t crushing shit. She’s like Terrance Howard right after everybody realized Crash was the peak of his career and Zoe’s was Avatar. Not that she did a good a job but she was blue naked and in 3D, come on son you can’t top that even if the Navi language bears a striking similarity to baby talk.

Why I May Become a Dirty Old Man
It seems like I may never settle down with somebody in my age bracket. Why you ask, because the women my age are mostly busted and I’m only 30. So what does 40 have in store for me? I’m not freakishly young looking but they still ID me when I go buy a pack off blacks. I come across chicks 18 that look 25 and 25 looking 32 it’s like a seven year slide on these women. These chicks like Benjamin Button they might have been born old. How I can I call myself settling down with a chick 4 years my junior looking 3 years my senior? Face 30 body 34 and mind 25 no dice; way too much hard living.

“And when I was 5 my favorite movie was the Gremlins it ain’t got shit to do with this I just thought that I should mention” - Lil Wayne ‘Sky is the limit’

Jean DeGrate has spoken


  1. Zoe Saldana - Super Overrated....agreed.
    Shiny Nickels....all over DC its like an epidemic!
