Friday, March 23, 2012

Injustice happens everyday B

“By no stretch of the imagination am I cool with what happen to Trayvon Martin. If I was his father I would have given up on the justice system about a week ago and just walked down the street and shot Zimmerman in the face. I’m about that life.”
Right now the nation is caught up in one of those black vs. white racially charged events that causes every 3rd person to become a freedom fighter. Skittles: check. Hoodie: check. Iced-tea: check. Well… let me join the cause before it fades into distant memory. Word to Don Imus (but those hoes were jive nappy headed tho).
The “White Man” is evil
Yeah I know “The White Man” is the face of “The Man”, “The Government”, the boogie man and the Illuminati. (Or is Jay-Z the face of the Illuminati; I get confused easily?) So when the media exposes a white man for being dead wrong when involving a person of color (as long as that color is black) Al Sharpton, his awesome perm and black people with internet access head out for justice. Cue the Negro national anthem.
We’re racist too
If Zimmerman would have shot an unarmed hooded 17 year old WHITE Joshua McBeal, it would be no less fucked up but you wouldn’t be rushing out to buy Snapple and Chex Mix? You wouldn’t give a fuck about Florida’s self defense laws. You wouldn’t have posted pictures of you and your kids wearing hoodies either. Three years ago when Dante Stallworth mowed down that tacobreaker Mario Reyes while driving drunk in that Bentley coupe where was the outrage? Stallworth did 24 days in jail for killing that guy but no fucks where given and it happened right there in Florida. Was that not unjust? I’d bet my life saving that if that was Ben Roethlisberger driving a F-250 and he killed somebody name DeAndre Jenkins you’d want him in jail and out of the league, right? Of course you would.
What about all these other “good” causes?
You know they are about to double the interest rate on government student loans. Some of ya’ll have kids that will be looking into colleges in the next few years you might want to hop on that front. How about the “Republican War on Women”? You know they are attempting to limit your abortion rights, cut a billion dollars from programs like WIC and all funding from Planned Parenthood. I haven’t seen a FaceBook status or a trending topic about any of that however. Maybe none of that shit is important or maybe the rest of the in crowd hasn’t hopped on those issues. Welp.
I wish your sense of justice was color blind
Jean DeGrate is eating Skittles 


  1. so is your point that we aren't outraged about enough things or that there are so many outrageous things happening that we should just say nothing?

  2. My point is stop being racist. Don't fight the fight because its black vs white but because its right vs wrong.

  3. real talk, i thought the dude was mexican. he doesn't look white.
