Friday, January 18, 2013

Hey Girl, Where You Getting All This Confidence From?

I remember when I was in high school, things were so much simpler then, the fine girls had fine girl attitudes, the average girls had average girl attitudes and the ugly bitches... well I don't know what the ugly bitches had because they didn't speak and/or get spoken to. Yes it was so simple then, I really miss those days. Welp.

Now I'm grown and every chick is a fucking star. Finding a genuine humble woman, no matter what her physical assets amount to, is damn near impossible. You'd think it was a self-esteem store slanging unfounded confidence to you misguided bitches (and I mean that in the nicest way possible). It's not that though. I've got it down to a science so let me break into my theory on female unfounded hubris.

Social Media
Somehow the thoughts and the approval (likes and retweets) of strangers sent via smart phones became validation in the real world. If she got 1000 plus followers on Instagram or Twitter you can't tell this bitch shit. One hundred plus likes on a photo? Beyonce better watch out because these chicks are nipping at her heels. Her DM's stay jumping and "Hey Boo" can always be seen in her mentions; that can only mean she's a dime right? It doesn't even matter that she can walk into a crowded room and go completely unnoticed; she is the shit in cyberspace and therefore the shit in real life.

Women complimenting women
"If you wouldn't fuck the person giving you the compliment it doesn't count." -Jean DeGrate from 2 blogs ago. If one of my male homies told me I was cute or handsome or some other fuck boy shit I would have to end the friendship on the fucking spot. That would make me very uncomfortable. Matter of fact compliments to my physical attributes from women I wouldn't choose over, let's say a bottle of lotion make me uneasy.  Her "Damn you sexy" Me "Nah, the light is hitting me at a funny angle". With women it's the complete and utter opposite; every kind word from a female homie goes to the compliment grand tally and furthers the inflation of the female ego.

Convenient amnesia
The worst thing God bestowed upon women was the ability to forget almost every non-catastrophic negative moment in their life. That time she gave 2 dudes head in the same day? That was kind of slutty wasn't it? Let's delete that from the memory bank. Nobody asked her to prom, but it is remembered as her just deciding not to go. Every dude that's hit her with the swerve, curb and carry never happened. Getting fucked and forgotten on the same night; never happened. When guys in the club go thru her to get at her friends; never happened. Getting placed in the friend zone; never happened it was the other way around.

The combination of these entities is making all of you stars. I guess this new faux confidence goes hand in hand with the adoration of people you not know and/or aren't fucking. Half of these bitches are rape-proof and don't even know it. If you run into a criminal in a dark alley way he only wants your purse and no parts of that pussy. I can't wait until your 5 body types catch up with your 10 egos.

Is this why we have so many "Urban Models" now?
Jean DeGrate has spoken

@JeanDeGrate on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. If you're a female, and after reading this you feel some type of way. It most likely applies to you.
