Friday, May 1, 2009

You Knew He Wasn’t Shit

Men just like women feel the spoils of dealing with a person who isn't of the greatest quality but mostly women are the ones left worst off

Women kill me when they start having kids and/or fucking up there lives by dealing with these ain't shit type dudes and then acted surprised when things fall apart. I used to have all this sympathy for these women. I used to make all these excuses like "well you know she's raising those kids by herself" or "She got it hard because she got a place with this dude and he just rolled". Yeah I'm so over that shit most of these chicks did it to themselves.

People are just like cars and it doesn't take 6 months to find out you're driving a lemon

I've dealt with more than my fair share of women in full knowledge that it will never go beyond the little fling that we have going on. There will be no weekend get a ways or flowers to the job or Christmas gifts exchanged; because I already know that she's not the material to bun up with so no matter how much fun we have or how good the sex is I'll never fool myself into believing it can be something more. I know that she can't boil water let alone cook. I know that her credit is so bad that she couldn't get a car from Eastern Motors. I know that she went to Vegas for the All-Star game but her story of what took place is real vague. Just as she should know that he's one strike away from doing 20 with and L. She should know that he spends more money on weed in a month than he does on his rent. She should know that his other kid(s) haven't received any child support in lord knows how long but he buys a fresh pair of Nike's every week.

They say love is blind but common sense has 20/20 vision

People often say you can't choose the one you love but I'd like to think we as people of free mind and body have a saying in who will fuck up our lives. At what point does love say "Hey let him/her charge up bullshit on your credit card that neither of you can afford" or "Baby we don't need to use a condom" or "I want you to stay with me and move out of your mother house"? Was there not a glimpse of what this person could do to your life if allowed? I understand it's not always as clear cut as James from 3rd street that sold coke all his life but nevertheless he has 4 kids and 3 baby mothers. Sometime the dude appears to be a good dude when you first meet him, the first date, the first month all seems good. After time his representative starts to fade he doesn't open car doors anymore, you had a argument and he balled up his fist as if he was going to hit you, he doesn't call you like he used to and you're always calling him, or maybe he just isn't as affectionate as he once was. Now I'm not saying these things are deal breaker if you're cool with it do you, but it should toss up a warning flag or two dissuading you from going any further.

Truth is changes always arise in relationships but is this dude you met last week, last, month, or last season is he still the same dude today.
Whether it is yes or no do you want to have his kids with this dude, live with this dude, or even marry this dude? Or is it just a fling just for fun?

Don't turn 3 good dates into a relationship that will ruin your life
Jean DeGrate has spoken

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