Wednesday, January 21, 2009


***I’m with Obama trust that. Every single Obama fundraiser they had at my club I was handing out 50’s and 20’s to the cause like they were 5’s and 10’s. Yeah I never wore that Obama-wear nor did I feel the urge to purchase anything with his likeness or his name on it. At the same time I’m not going to knock the next cat who put the bumper sticker on his whip or the Obama T-shirt on his back before November 4th.***

I live in the heart of Obama-mania let’s call it Obama-Ville formerly known as Washington DC. So maybe my view on Obama-mania is a bit harsh to say the least.

And now the venting begins...

Part of History
Here is the good news on November 4th 2008 when you casted a ballot for Barack Obama you played your part in history. You and millions of other Americans of all different races religions and political standings got up and voted a black man into the Oval Office. Now here’s the bad news the moment you casted the vote your moment in history ended it’s fucking over. Standing in line for 3 hours to get a news paper doesn’t cement your place in history. Flying, driving, busing, or training into DC to stand in a crowd of 4 million others with the same delusional idea that they are part of history guess what; still not part of history. You’re just another person standing in the cold who would have been better off watching it at home. Trust me HDTV in the comfort and warmth of your own home will have much better views of Obama swearing in or you can chose to fight thru all the check points only to stand 20 football fields away from somebody standing 10 football fields away from Obama.

Buying Obama
Buying Obama Hennessy, O-jamas (Obama pajamas I heard the radio ad yesterday), Obama key chains, Obama T-shirts, Obama quarters, Obama 2 dollar bills (Selling them on QVC), Obama plates (just think for 29.95 you can eat off of Barack’s face) or anything else the street venders and right up to corporate American can think to stick his likeness/name/logo on doesn’t mean shit after November 2nd. You people are like the people who became Patriot fans after they won the super bowl. The economy is fucked up so before you drop 5 or 50 bucks on BS that will end up in your basement covered in dust buy a CD from Best Buy or a cup of coffee from Star Bucks they closing stores and laying off folks left and right.

So on January 20th when my cell phone doesn’t work and my streets are over crowded I’ll be blaming all you non-history making fools.

Dude ain’t did a day in office but he got my city standing on its head
Jean DeGrate has spoken

PS Obama-mania is also why I didn’t throw a party this year but I’ll make up for it on Super Bowl Sunday.

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