Sunday, July 1, 2018

I’m Afraid of Some Shit

I used to be fearless. Not in that crazy way of fearlessness where I threw caution to the wind. Nah buddy. I definitely used to be way cooler and nothing could shake my cool. I sat Indian style eating a bowl of cereal watching the second plane crash into the World Trade Center thinking “Wow this is crazy”. I never felt like Osama Bin Laden was going to change the American way of life. Even when the DC Sniper was running around DC I kept it business as usual. Some 16 years later fear has found it’s way into my heart and I’m going to share a few things with you.


People that share extremely personal info on social media

“Everybody done turned their back on me in my time of need. I’m about to ride myself from now on. I just broke the windshield out of my baby father’s car and cut all his tires because his new bitch ain’t better than me.” “This child support got my check looking crazy. I’m about hit a move or go cop something for the quick flip.” Even reading this on my smart phone screen has me feeling some sort of way. Like don’t they know the feds watching? I don’t want to click like or comment because I don’t even want them to know I seen this. They out here baring their souls and rumbling with their demons in front of a bunch of strangers so I know without a shadow of doubt that they don’t give a fuck and they are about that smoke. I’m frightened.


White people holding cell phones

Wednesday I illegally parked and when I hoped out of my car there was a white man holding his cell phone making a call. Right then and phcking there my heart skipped 6 beats and I instantly envisioned returning to my car being surrounded by the police. I hoped back in my car and circled the block 4 times until I found a legit spot a whole block away. Funny thing is the parking wasn’t that illegal; the nose of my car was just about 10 inches beyond the “No Parking” sign and the white man wasn’t even looking at me he was just facing my general direction. Homie had me shook because when those white people call the law they pull up with extreme prejudice and I have zero desire to get searched, handcuffed, tazed or shot.


Ugly women with several kids

Let me define this a little better. If she’s ugly with 4 plus kids with 2 or more guys this is a clear indication that the pussy is flames. It’s like the first guy that decided to drink from a cows tittie was a wild boy and the second guy to go in was an even wild boy but clearly they were on to something because here we are centuries later with milk in every grocery store. Without actually sleeping with an ugly women with multiple children I’m assuming that the pussy will have you on stuck. How else can you explain why guys keep nutting in these ladies? This is a mystery I’m trying to steer clear of because curiosity might get the best of me.


Black people in MAGA hats

I understand white people in MAGA hats. I know they want to stay top dog in the USA and for 8 year Barack Obama threaten that (he really didn’t but the Tiki torch mafia felt some sort of way). Even if Barack was Umar Johnson he still couldn’t make a dent in the chokehold of white privilege. Now black people that have woken up black every day of their lives and have personally experienced injustice and discrimination due to racism and stereotypes choose to put a MAGA hat on top of their head. How are you so disillusioned? America was never great for people that look like you and you’re hoping to return it to its former glory? You sir are a scary motherfucker because you intentionally act against your better interest.


Short guys with facial tattoos

First off I’m talking about actually short guys not this “if you’re a man under 6 feet” bullshit. I’m talking about these 5’6 and under dudes. Being a short guy has a lot of disadvantages and adding facial tattoos to that leads me to believe you’re the type of guy that throws caution to the wind and faces all adversities head on. Like if I’m ever in a verbal confrontation with a tattoo faced short guy I’m just going to throw these hands off top. I’m not taking any chances. I’ll sort it out when the dust clears. 


People that ride around in 90 degree plus weather with the windows down

Look here I don’t give a fuck how fast you drive 90 degrees is 90 degrees and you’re just getting beat in the face by fast hot ass wind. You probably don’t even have car insurance. You probably stink. You probably have 6 payday advance loans out right now. Your cable is probably in your mother’s name. You probably put 87 octane gas in your car even though it requires 93. I don’t trust you and you scare me.


I’m afraid

Jean DeGrate has spoken

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