Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Top 4 Reason Men Date Reggie Women

If you don’t know what Reggie is I’m just going to blame it on your age or a disconnection from urban culture (if you spent the last 6 years working for Doctors without Borders I understand).

Reggie – a term derived from regular originally use to describe a less than favorable potency of marijuana. It later was expanded to describe anything of less than desirable stature, quality, or in this instance, attractiveness.

I should work for Webster.


There is an assortment of reasons why men who could perceivably date more “attractive” women would “settle” for a Reggie; I’m just going to give the top 4. I’ll be side stepping all those cooked up reasons men give to other men i.e. “Son she’s really cool and her sex is crazy”. There are flaws all up in that statement, but we’ll get to bros lying to bros on different date. On with the list…

1. She makes more money than him
Men are very self-conscious about not being the main bread winner and more times than not the only way to circumvent that is dating a woman that is a tad bit less attractive than his usual standards. With the exception of Stedman Graham; dating a more successful woman often means there’s another guy on her level just waiting to scoop her up unless she’s not that good looking. That’s almost never the case but that’s how these guys feel.

2. He’s a cheater
To state this delicately, non-beauty queens tend to deal with a higher level of bullshit from their mates. With that said a guy can literally have his cake and eat it too and by cake I mean his sidechick. Argue with me if you like but you’ve probably NEVER told a less than 6 “You’re way too pretty to be dealing with this bullshit.”

3. He has low self-esteem
Dating a Reggie is an easy way to elude jealousy, undue clinginess, over spending to compensate and etc. It’s a safety net much in the same way as it is for dating a more successful woman.

4. He’s got issues
Ex-con, under employed, very poor, owes back child support, baby mama drama, lives at home, doesn’t own a car; you name it but it’s enough to stop him from getting a second date. After a streak of failing to capture the affections of the women he would like to date he’s subjected to dating the women that would date him.

If he’s dating 5 and riding dark tints it’s definitely a reason.
Jean DeGrate has spoken

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