If you didn't know 60% of all marriages end in divorce. So if it's 10 married couples sitting in a room only 4 of them are going to make it to "until death do us part" (my they should just take that out). I know when you get married it will be the right one, your soul mate, it's going to last forever and all that other dope shit. Yeah, that sounds great but probably won't happen anything like that; cheers to you for staying optimistic nevertheless. Now on with the blog...
People get married for the right reason
It's a handful of people out here still getting married for green cards and money; please allow them to be in profitable relationships. I'm not judging. On the other hand the majority of the people I've met who chose to jump the broom has done it for love and actually wants to spend the rest of their life with somebody. It's no way 60% of the people that decide to make a life commitment got it wrong. The actually change in institute of marriage is a direct result in the changes of the relationship between men and women over the last 60 years or so.
Casual sex
At one point in America sex and marriage were almost a package deal. Easy access pussy was typically available via prostitutes. Now you can bypass courting, bypass dates, a few text messages, late night phone conversations, Skype and a FaceBook account with up to date photos will have you in the running for the pussy. True interaction is not needed to get what must men initially want. You've been watching Catfish right? It's not just obese people falling in love (but mainly like) via a computer screen.
Your mate doesn't actually need you
It seems like so long ago that a man's place and a woman's place was separate and clearly defined. A man was really the head of the household and bread winner and a woman was in the kitchen cooking up dinner. That shit is so over. Equality straight up ruined all that. Men cook, clean, do their own grocery shopping and aundry. Women make their own money and support their own households. Outside of live in companionship and going half on the rent what is really being lost out on if shit doesn't work out?
People change
We've all had people in our lives we've out grown or simply grew apart from. Ideals, habits, interests and aspirations change as we grow older. Any relationship where people are bound to mature differently without any direct pressure to stay together can't really be expected not to falter. It's no way to guarantee the person you fell in love with will be the same person 10 years from now and you can't guarantee you'll be the same person that fell in love with them. Just think of the shit you were into 2 years ago that you wouldn't be caught dead doing today. Just think of the people you knew 5 years ago but aren't even FaceBook friends with today.
You can get all the perks without saying "I do"
I know more common law husband and wives with kids than actual married couples. In most cases you could totally bypass that trip to Jared and when the shit is over bypass the lawyers, divorce papers and coming off of half your shit. You're living under the same roof having unprotected sex. What exactly will a marriage license change? Oh yeah, your filing status with the IRS and not shit else.
Yeah marriage ain't what it used to be
Jean DeGrate has spoken
Omg Jean, the numbers are way off. The divorce rate for (1st marriages) is between 40 & 50 percent depending on what source you are using. It's even lower if you get married over age 30 so there is hope for you!
ReplyDeleteIf you get married past age 25, the divorce rates plummet. Socioeconomic status also play a large role. The number one reason for divorce? MONEY.