I'm on the brink of growing the meanest mutton chops I've ever grown in my life. This doesn't have shit to do when this blog but I just thought that I should mention it anyway. You're all welcome.
Courtesy Cheeks - the act of sexual intercourse out of a sense of obligation over actually having mutual sexual attraction and true intimate interaction leading to it. In a nutshell you felt like you owed someone sex and paid your debt down accordingly.
I'm guilty of submitting to courtesy cheeks a few times myself. Yeah I'm not above it. Maybe she made a few Target runs to pick up a few odds and ends for the kid, came thru and gave me the slight when I had the flu or just hung around long enough for me to say "well she's cool so I might as well give her the stroke". I'm ashamed, but enough about me because you women are way more into slanging these courtesy cheeks than I ever was or ever will be. I even got a courtesy cheeks failure under my belt (see blog titled "The Day My Man Didn't Show Up To the Party" coming soon).
The whole concept of owed or deserved sex is like soft core prostitution. I'm not judging but I'm saying that vagina is often offered up for services or goods rendered like it ain't tricking. I'm not implying that you're flat out hoeing but that pussy might have been used as a bargaining chip a time or two.
Requirements to getting the pussy
Almost every woman has some sort of checklist, a 3 date minimum or sort of made up bullshit that imposes the idea that her current suitor has "earned" the pussy (so she'll feel less slutty). If he takes her on a trip, she's pretty much going to come up off that pussy. If buys her a Michael Kors bag that might not guarantee the pussy but it will damn sure get him few coochie coupons. Now I'm not saying women are fucking men simply for food, favors and gifts (even though some are), but I'm definitely saying if guy provided none of those things he probably won't be in the running for the pussy. How many niggas outside of a college campus are getting the cheeks off long walks to nowhere and the McDonald's dollar menu? I'll wait. Oh ok and now on with the blog.
It starts a change reaction
Men know that these cheeks are being exchanged for favors, kind deeds and so on and so forth. Why do you think men hold open doors public and buy drinks in the club? Those are the baby steps into the pussy bartering market place. Why do you think new suitors are always so eager to please? It's normally takes a bit more than compatible personalities, good phone conversation and dinner at Friday's to get to the pussy promise land. But even with all that knowledge it's some confusion about what will certainly get you there. Just ask the guys sitting in the friend zone.
So what's pussy exchange rate?
Women unlike men often view sex as some sort of prize, incentive or treat. This pussy bartering thing isn't an exact science especially with women at the helm controlling the exchange rate. The variables innumerable; has she already decided to come off the pussy or not, her appearance, ego, how she is used to being treated... It's guys out here doing all the leg work and ended up in friend-zone and other guys mailing it in and getting the cheeks in record time. It's guys doing a full 90 days plus and guys seeing equal return doing the JD average of 8 days from meet to cheeks. It's perplexing and down right disheartening. Here's my turn over formula 2 weeks x 50% effort x 2 phone calls a day x get rapey in the 3rd week; guaranteed to work 47% of the time or get you smacked.
I hope ya'll didn't think I was going solve anything I was just exposing the existence of pussy bartering and setting up my next blog
Jean DeGrate has spoken
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