All day everyday I see and hear women boosting other women up without just cause. The shit is fucking ridiculous how women give so much undeserving praise to one another. I normally sit by quietly observing and laugh. Well until recently when I realized the amount of damaged it actually does. Ugly girls are walking around thinking they're beauty queens. Women with multiple kids by multiple men are running around believing then can honestly compete with women without kids. Nah b somebody has to cut the shit and I guess I'll start the wheel to rolling.
Your homies are lying to you
Despite your sketchy past and present, and all your other faults your friends will almost exclusively speak on your most endearing qualities. If you're bitchy and stubborn your girlfriends will call you strong willed. If you've moved in the last 3 men you dated within a month of knowing them your friend won't call you gullible she'll call you giving and trusting. If you sleep with a lot of dudes she won't call you a slut she'll downplay it and say some dumb shit like you're free spirited. You should know that don't they don't really believe half the accolades they shower you with. At least once a week I got a female homie on my line telling me about one of their scumbag homies and their scumbag escapades. Shit, your homies are the same women passing harsh judgment on the entire cast of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta. True, they don't know them hoes but they also don't know why you got two kids years apart by the same an ain't shit nigga either.
You won't judge yourself
The reason why it's so easy to believe the shit your homies tell you about yourself is because you refuse to judge yourself. It's doesn't matter how much mileage you put on that pussy you'll never consider yourself a hoe. No matter how many times a week you go out to party and how often you curse out your kids you'll never think of yourself as anything less than a great mom. In a nutshell all the dumb shit you do you'll find some way to justify it or overlook it and your girlfriends will be right there coaching you on and not calling you on your shit.
It's their job to compliment you
A female friends job it to pick you up when you are down, listen to you vent (no matter how foolish the gripe) and tell you how much of a catch you are. It makes no difference if you're down from a self inflicted wound; chances are she won't say you did it to yourself. A supposedly good "friend" will always tell you can do better and deserve more than you're currently doing and receiving even if you are a piece of shit. "Girl, you know you can do better than James tired ass; you're such a beautiful person" She'll say shit like this despite the fact you talk to this man like he ain't shit, cheated on him twice with your ex and he's paying half the bills in an apartment he stays in with you and your 3 kids. She's telling you wrong though.
What you need to do is...
Pretend you are somebody else because it's so much easier to judge other people than it is yourself. Write down all that foul, foolish and simple shit you've done. Stop trying to come up with bullshit reasons why you did it. Like the time you were late on your rent because you had to put down on your Miami trip or when you told your child's father his son needed money for a field trip but you really just wanted some money to go to the club and shit. Now review that list stare at it long and hard. The person that did that shit is you so that's the type of person you are. Fuck what your friends talking about that person on the list is you.
You know who you are right?
Jean DeGrate has spoken
I hear you! I got some "ain't shit" friends and they're always bad-mouthing someone else! Bitch, you broke and got 2 kids by 3 different dudes. I do't have no room to talk about folks because I'm not perfect, but damn if I gotta make a list to let myself know that I fucked up LOL