I woke up this morning and saw a blog titled "Why are women accepting the bare minimum as bae material?"
I mean I know why but I never considered actually putting it on paper. This is typically a conversation I have with people I'm pseudo life coaching because I be life coaching and shit. Anyway the article offered little insight to the cause of the issue. Some personal experience talk, a couple screen shots of tweets and few funny gifs. I don't want to call it click bait but it was.
I know why women are accepting the bare minimum. Not all women but definitely the women that don't know any better. But let me start here...
I'm a catch.
I have a job and make decent money.
I don't have any baby momma drama.
I don't have a billion kids.
I drive.
I live alone.
I've never been to jail.
See I'm a catch.
Only thing I'm not. Well at least I'm not based on that basic ass shit listed above. All of it's true but none of that shit should be considered an accomplishment by anyone over the age of 21, but somehow it is. Hence the BARE minimum, but enough about me let's get to the why.
Men do less; not exactly the least but definitely less
It's a lot of bare minimum ass niggas out here. We don't want to be labeled a trick. We don't want to be labeled a simp. We don't want to be labeled a lame. Nope. Pride too strong. Ego too big. If we even feel like we're doing too much too soon we'll ignore her text messages for a few hours just to restore balance. Let's be honest sex is a whole lot easier to get these days so all the hurdles and hoops men used to have to jump over and through are pretty much pointless. Thank God for the sexual revolution, but with that said the whole premise behind "what you did to get her is what you do to keep her" might be as slight as a "you up" text on the right night. Men tend to keep that same energy. I mean why do more do for the same result?
Men are bashed publicly and privately
Women bash men to each other via text and phone calls. Women post videos of their men cheating all over the internet. People post on all over social media how men ain't shit in intrigue detail. Other men bash men to other women in an effort to make themselves look superior to any potential competition. Some dude named Derrick Jaxn was made a career of exclusively making videos in the driver's seat of his car talking about the short comings of men. The stigma of men well, being less than men is always looming because it's being constantly promoted.
Anything seems like everything
I'd like to pretend women are used to getting shit but at the same time every 3rd girl I opened the car door for acts like I just turned water into wine. I'm Young Jesus in these streets performing miracles. Scroll back up right quick to do a recap of that "I'm a catch" bit one more time. Women really really really act like I'm that guy off the cover letter alone. I'm a regular guy. I once had a girl that I never met in real life tell me I'd make a great father for her child off of 2 phone conversations. Here's the kicker though... the young lady that told me that didn't even have a kid. Funny shit is it didn't even seem crazy to me at the time; it took about 5 years for me to think back on it and say "wow". Even when I hear women brag about their men it's some real ordinary shit. A man taking care of his kids is like a notch under curing cancer. Texting back immediately is right up there with winning a Noble Peace Prize. Men literally get credit for things that cost absolutely nothing to do like calling back when we say we're going to call back and coming up with plans for a date instead of texting "WYD" at 7p on a Friday.
Yeah that's pretty much it in a nutshell
Jean DeGrate has spoken
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