It’s going to be a lot analogies here so bear with me.
A couple days ago I dropped a blog and stated “Pussy is literally everywhere and readily available but unlike any other commodity it’s not regulated by exclusivity or price to determine the lesser or the greater value.” Somehow this spiraled into a conversation of “all pussy ain’t good pussy ”. I laughed. I let it simmer for a while and had a few conversations with a few good people then thought to myself “self maybe I should expand on this”.
This is me expanding…
You’re welcome.
I’ve never met a woman in my 37 years of life that didn’t live under the impression that their vagina is the best thing since sliced bread. (Side note – What was the best thing before sliced bread came along? Was sliced bread that much of a game changer that we forgot what the other thing was?) Here’s the thing if you think you have good pussy it’s a 94% chance that you are correct. It’s like 3% terrible pussy and 3% exceptional pussy. Pussy is very much like bananas. Hold on let me explain. If you like bananas chances are you can’t remember the last time you bit into a bad banana, but at the same time you probably can’t remember when you bit into an exceptional banana. Bananas for the most part are consistently good. Bananas are great that way; if it’s ripe and not all battered and bruised it’s going to be satisfactory.
Did that make sense to you?
You got it?
Ok good.
Now with anything good you can add things that either improve or worsen it. This is fundamentally true for vagina. If I get a stock BMW and throw some crazy color paint on it, neon lights on the undercarriage, zebra print on the seats and a wild ass wing on the back; it’s still a BMW. The performance is still the same, but I’ve clearly alienated some of the appeal. Now I can take that same BMW and toss the black matte paint, black out the rims and tint the windows. This car might have a broader appeal, but it’s still a BMW. Which bring me back to the fact that good pussy is readily accessible and easily obtainable but the only obstacle maybe (strictly adhering to preference and lifestyle) is finding the correct add-ons.
Did that make sense to you?
Are you sure?
Great; we are on a roll. I’m about to wrap it now.
We all know what the general consensus deems to be attractive. Small waist, hips, round ass and breast size is still really a mixed bag but let’s just say at least some boobs for the sake of argument. If you need confirmation slide over to IG and pick a random half naked woman with 100k followers; I’m sure she’ll fit into these parameters. With that said we have pretty good idea of what the consumer is interested in physically (and by consumer I mean the people interested in pussy of course). You don’t fit into any of that shit but you still get more play than elementary school recess? Good for you. Here’s a gold star. Congrats. When it comes to the physical we pretty much know what’s a sure fire draw. Now let’s side step that because it’s so many other things besides looks when it comes to appealling to the consumer base. Before a company rolls out a product they typically test the market to see if it’s something that will go over well; gather a focus group or two and do some survey’s and shit. That’s not being done with pussy. Nope. Pussy owners do their own add-ons sans any research and believe themselves to be a catch to their anticipated demographic. To say the least this garners mixed results.
So yeah your pussy is probably good, but maybe all the things that come with that pussy … not so much
Jean DeGrate has spoken
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