Sunday, February 5, 2017

Double Standards that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon

So a few days ago I’m scrolling thru social media and I came across a meme that read something to the effect of…

“I never understood why a woman is supposed to be a “ride or die” chick that stays with a man helping him to become the man she deserves. A man on the other hand is never told to stay with a woman while she finds herself. A man will always look for that perfect woman but women are supposed to settle for building a project.”

First off, I laughed long and hard. It was hilarious. Second I sat thought who the fuck wrote this? I really want to have a conversation with this person. If you know her please forward my info. Third I decided to write this here blog and if you were wondering yes, I will be getting back around to that meme.

We have come a very long way with gender roles and matters that used to be exclusively man or woman affairs are now for everybody. Go girl power and shit. In the words of the poet laureate Annie Lennox delivered via the vocals of Aretha Franklin “Sister are doing it for themselves, standing on their own two feet and ringing on their own bells”. Unfortunately we aren’t on completely equal ground quite yet and to be perfectly honest the majority of the remaining double standards favor the fairer sex.

Building a project mate
And yes you guessed I’m back to the meme. And yes its true men don’t typically take on projects with the exception of guys like Tyga that will date you when you’re 16 and just hold out until you’re legal. Men don’t date potential. Guys meet a woman and pretty much take her as is; there aren’t any grand plans to renovate and that’s because there is no pay off. He starts dating a girl that’s the working the register at Target and sticks in there with her for a few years and now she’s the district manager. Congrats, but when the bill comes at the end of the meal he’s still going to pay it. He’s not going retire from Metro early become a house husband. Now on the flipside when women invest in a project mate it’s a payoff (if the project is successful, I mean he might be an open mic rapper forever). He started out mopping the floor, now he’s washing lettuce. Soon he’ll be on fries; then the grill. In a year or two, he’ll make assistant manager and that’s when the big bucks start rolling in. As he climbs the socioeconomic ladder the lady in his life will directly benefit in a tangible way. She might even make her way up to house wife status.

Women are cheerleaders and I mean that in a very non-sexist way. They’re here to tell you to stick with it when the road to your dreams gets rough. They’re here to listen to your trash ass mixtape and pretend like you’re spitting hot fire (no Dylan). They’ll always be there sitting in the front row rooting you. Now male support on the other hand actually involves cash, physical effort, counselling and a splash of cheering on. If you open a store; a man will invest and be there to help you unload the inventory, put up shelves, replace the lights and check for mouse droppings. That’s some man ass shit to do and that’s what is expected of us.

Splitting these bills
Equality comes to a dead halt when it comes to bills in a relationship. A man could move in with a woman with 4 pre-existing kids and would still be expected to cover half the bills at the very least. Being a man is all about bringing home the bacon and taken care of the household financially. No matter how far ahead society moves we don’t seem to be moving away from this any time soon.

Getting what you deserve
Men deserve what we earn. Nothing is given. Those are the rules on page one of the man handbook. It’s located at your local Barnes and Nobles. You win over and earn the affections of the women you want. You put in the hours to get the money to buy nice shit. Men work hard to achieve goals and the men that are handing things without putting in the hard work are seen as less than other men. Women on the other hand “deserve” things by simply existing they come to justify it. Women deserve the finer things in life even if they make minimum wage. Women deserve a good man with nothing palpable to warrant it. "I’ve dated too many lames, kissed too many frogs; I deserve my prince charming."

The ladies man vs the whore
Women lose here. I’m not even going to make the argument; unless you’re Rihanna or Amber Rose. If you are hit my DM’s.

These double standards are written in stone well into the foreseeable future
Jean DeGrate has spoken

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