I got 1000 female homies and it just blows their entire day when a guy that barely knows them let alone barely ever had a full conversation with yet requests a nude pic. "Why do ya'll do that?" "What makes him think I'm going to send him a pic? I don't even know him." "I'm just going to delete him out of my contacts." I find myself often sorting out the reasoning behind this request so instead of rolling out this speech once a month I'm going to put it on paper for once and for all. You're welcome.
For a dude the dating goal is sex, which is why 9 out 10 times when a guy walks up on you in the snack isle of Target, buys you a round at happy hour, or slides in your DM's, that's his motive and he's almost certainly not thinking about how great of a person you probably are. Believe it or not all the interest in you as a person is all a side effect of trying to fuck you. So being that the primary interest is in getting you naked you need to embrace this concept because it is the truth.
What you really look like
You hoes (and I mean hoes in the nicest fucking way) have more tricks than a magic convention hosted by David Blaine. That was a kind of lame analogy but I'm rusty with this blogging shit and the way my backspace button is set up is... Anyway sue me. I told you all the story about how body shapers are the devil (if you haven't read it google it, if I was net savvy I'd link it but I'm not it takes me a year to change my avi on Twitter), so please believe this in a real concern. Aside for those team natural women that believe in keeping everything factory (which tends to backfire more times than not) you women are overall shady with what you actually look like. You peoeple actually take pride in the quality of your purchased hair; as much as I claim to understand women I still can't wrap my head around that concept. So with the fake hair, eyebrows, eye lashes, makeup, push up bras, booty pops, body shapers, waist trainers, body wraps, Instagram filters and whatever other gadgets you clever hoes have cooked up since I started writing this blog 10 minutes ago (I know you are working around the clock on this shit) to fool men into thinking you're better looking than you really are. Receiving a nude really clears up some of the confusion between who you are and who you were pretending to be at happy hour two Wednesdays ago. You know because that water bra made you a full C cup when you're barely a B.
Thinning the herd
Guys date in high numbers whenever possible (think of it like playing multiple numbers for the power ball). You want to know why niggas raise a fuss about $200 dates? If you actually date 6 different women in a 4 week span that is $1200; let me translate that into womanese that's 3 2013 Honda Accord car notes. God's honest truth 47 out of 50 women that are asked for nude pic pre-sex/pre-date are going to say "fuck no" or some variation of that phrase. From that moment she'll either write him off immediately or stick around and go into this "why would you ask me to send you something like that". If she takes the latter route she is legitimately interested so that's a win and if she takes the former that's a win too because no date money was spent and the bullshit pre-sex good morning text messages can stop.
You about that action
The pre-sex/pre-date nude... nigga... nigga... nigga. As sacrilegious as this may sound but LOOK AT GOD. I've legitimately once hopped up off the couch and did the running man for 3 minutes straight after receiving the holy grail of nudes (pre-sex/pre-date nude for those who are not following the theme). It is the bees' knees. It's confirms so many things but none more important than she is about that action. This is half the battle; all you can do as a man from this point is fuck this pussy up for yourself. It's like an 85% chance that she's a hoe but whatever, men love easy women.
Yeah that's it nothing else to it
Jean DeGrate has spoken
Being married keeps you out the loop, for some men. I didn't even know they made shapers like this!