Maturity - 1. full growth or development 2. a mature state
Mature - 1. acting or seemingly adult
Somehow (according to urban culture of course) the key principles of being a mature adult are based on child ownership, being or wanting to be in a committed relationship, owning property and of course moving out on your own. How did urban culture come to these terms? Fuck if I know. I've actually seen black mothers berate women that haven't acquired fuck trophies of their own for not knowing what real responsibility is. It blew my mind. The audacity of these bitches... sorry, I mean these unfortunate single mothers who've mismanaged their pussy and now have to face the struggle passing judgment on those who didn't make such foolish choices. (That right there is another blog for another time thought.)
Unfortunately, none of those things define a maturity. Reproducing doesn't make you a grown-up. Every living thing reproduces including bacteria so aiding in bringing life into this world gains you zero kudos on the maturity totem pole. (Also managing to keep your offspring alive and healthy isn't exactly an amazing accomplishment either.) Seeking out intimate companionship also isn't a staple of adulthood. A 40 year old bachelor (or bachelorette) who is not seeking out a mate is not a sign of immaturity. I can't even begin to understand the logic behind that train of thought. Some people don't want to settle down and get married. Anybody can buy property if funds allow it. Making a large purchase whether it has a roof and four walls or 20 inch rims and a hemi can't define you as an adult. As far as moving out of your parents place is a personal and financial preference. You don't get along with your Mom you should probably move out. You rather stay in you folks' basement and pay the cable and light bill to stack and extra 1200 a month then by all means do so. Another part of being an adult is making decisions in your best interest instead of wondering about what others may think of you. This brings me to my first point...
Being free of peer pressure
One of the being parts of actually being mature adult is no longer doing things to gain favor amongst your peers; especially so if they don't benefit you in anyway. Doing what's best for you without worrying about the judgment of others is true sign of adulthood and proof of being an individual thinker.
Being financially responsible
A lot of folks are living beyond their means trying to keep up with the Jones, having children they can't afford and all without the foresight to save for a rainy day. I know a lot of alleged adults that live check to check and not because they don't make enough to eat and save but because they splurge like tomorrow is never going to come. Having a banking account for more than online shopping and bill paying is part of being a grown up because you can't just keep storing your money under your mattress. Saving for retirement, paying for health care (if your job doesn't provide it) and life insurance all parts of being a fiscally sound adult.
Eliminating people from your life that pull you down
You still got your ain't shit homies around you causing more harm than good. Instead of leaving them of FaceBook and Instagram you are still allowing them to bring their stress and problems to your front door. Your ratchet homies are borrowing your money with intentions of never paying it back and dragging you into altercations that are none of your concern.
Being able to keep it 100
A lot of folks have a problem telling friends, family members and others the truth. Whether it's avoiding hurting someone's feeling or postponing the truth to avoid awkward situations not keeping it real is a sign of immaturity. You're ducking calls of people you don't want to talk to instead of politely telling them to fuck off, immature. When you're homie ask your opinion on some dumb shit she's about to do and you don't tell them straight up you're about to fuck up, immature. If you surround yourself with people you can't be honest with you're not even mature enough to pick your own friends and associates.
This is what being grown is about fuck what you heard
Jean DeGrate has spoken
PS there will be a part II
Follow on Twitter @JeanDeGrate and FB as Jean DeGrate
Teach 'em!