Make no mistake the negative outlook that goes along with being a sideline hoe is by no means applied to being a sideline dude. I don't know what you women having been dreaming up but the sideline dudes and sideline hoes live in two totally different worlds. Please take this time out from your busy day to allow me to elaborate.
Men willingly become sideline dudes
You ever had a man try to talk to you only for you to tell him you have a man then he turns around and ask if you can have friends? Of course you have. That right there is his application to be a sideline dude. You got a man? Cool. He won't try to take you from him. Nope; your man can hold on to all his manly duties. He just wants to talk you out of pussy. That's the best pussy in the world. No strings attached pussy. Keep your man, he hopes you two get married but make no mistake he will keep beating up that pussy for as long as you allow it.
Sideline dudes know our roles
Sideline dudes will never blow up your phone when you respond to a text. Sideline dudes don't care why your phone is off; they just naturally assume you're not in a position to talk. Sideline dudes are never looking to make the move to main dude; he already knows you're are a disloyal bitch and that's not the type of woman he wants as his girl. Sideline dudes won't pop up at your house unannounced; your man might be there and he doesn't want to rock that boat. Sideline dudes aren't getting emotional about some pussy that's clearly temporarily on loan from some other poor chap that doesn't know his queen is really just a hoe.
Sideline dudes have all of the perks but none of the downsides of a relationship
Sideline dudes don't do periods, dates, gifts or any other shit that is expected of her actual man. She got a man for that he's the one that's going to help her move, give her $100 to hold over to payday, rescue her when she gets a flat on the side of the road and rub her tummy when she gets sick. A sideline dude is simply dick on call. She's trying to escape from her man for a few hours and all the sideline dude has to do is be available.
Sideline dudes don't suffer the ridicule of sideline hoes
When a woman is normally sleeping with a man in a relationship (with the exception of Olivia Pope for some strange reason) she's a whore, home-wrecker and just a down right bad human being. Her friends look down on her. Her momma looks down on her. Even Jesus looks down on her in shame and his daddy got a married bitch pregnant then left her husband to raise him (poor Joseph). When a sideline dude is doing his thing with another man's woman she's the slut and he is revered amongst his homies. His daddy will give him high 5's for being a player. "So you mean to tell me she got a live in man that's claiming her kid as his own and she's sneaking out to give you the pussy while driving his car to do it? Son you're winning right now."
Sideline dudes are up in category ya'll hoes on some other shit
Jean DeGrate has spoken
"Even Jesus looks down on her in shame and his daddy got a married bitch pregnant then left her husband to raise him (poor Joseph)."
I stay winning