Monday, November 26, 2012

Are you happy or are you just happy to have somebody?

When you're single, you're exactly as happy as you are and nobody ever says "I hate that nigga so I think I'll start a relationship with him".

Almost all relationships begin in bliss. (Unless money is involved; I've seen women deal with some wild shit when the cash is in abundance). We are just going to fast forward past all that cool, happy, lovey, dovey shit. So when his ringtone was one those upbeat "so in love" Beyonce's track (insert song title here), yep we're going to completely skip that stage. The honeymoon is over, the good times are few and far between, and you're living on the edge.

Do you hate your boo?
I know women that hate the guy they share a bed with. They are seriously one argument and a pair of dirty boxers lying on the bathroom floor away from "accidently" pushing him down a flight of steps. Every conversation you have over 5 minutes always ends in a fight. You say you love this guy but does causing him bodily harm crosses your mind on a regular basis? Have you ever packed your things up to stay at your mother's house or called up some homies to see if you could lay up in their extra room for a while? Keep it real with yourself you don't really want to be there but you're still there.

Still together for stupid reasons
After the love is gone folks really stick around for the simplest shit. "Well, the lease is up March so we going to try to work it out at least until then." "You know he picks my son up from after care because he works five minutes away from his school."  "My cell phone is on his family plan and he gets a 25% discount because of his job." "He throws out the trash and the dumpster is all the way on the other side of the parking lot, ain't nobody got time to be lugging no Glad bag 50 yards to the dumpster." If you make statements that start with "I love him but..." you might need to consider getting out of there.

So why are you still there?
Don't want to start over since you had to sort through all those lames to find the winner that you no longer want? Are you afraid to be alone? Are you holding on because you're waiting for change? Fuck all that shit. Why sit there being miserable? Seriously this is the only time in a life when saying you can do bad all by yourself actually stands for something of note other than trying to duck broke men.

Let it go
Women have a nasty habit of holding on to a relationship way after the shit is over.  Don't be one of those bitches with a new born and soggy titties from a nigga you fell out of love with 2 summers ago. Don't be afraid to call it quits when the only thing that's keeping you together is the fact that you don't have to use a condom with him.

Let that shit be done and move on
Jean DeGrate has spoken


  1. I think some people stay because they don't want the person happy with anyone else.

  2. i've been in this situation. three years ago. first and only boyfriend. i didn't want to let go cause i was afraid i wasn't gonna have somebody to accept me for me. or of just being alone period. especially after being with him for 3 years

  3. I don't know. Sometimes people stay because they still believe and have hope that things will change and be better. As long as the hope is there, both or at least one parties will try to work things out. After that though...
