Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Makes Me Sad

I'm always seeing what's causing pain and aguish in the life of others but I never really talk about the things that weigh heavy on my soul. I to know hurt and sadness; my pain runs deep let me share it with you.

Black Twitter
Everyday on Black Twitter is like the beginning of "A Tale of Two Cities"... "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness..."  I know Black Twitter is where the means kids hang out and slander is in abundance but the level of stupidity, immaturity and close-mindedness there is just disheartening. Black Twitter you are the bane of my existence. Well not really I could always not logon, but how the fuck would I keep myself entertained at work? I could always do actual work but, I'm clearly not about that life.

Catching an elevator somebody just farted in
You don't know the woes of standing on an elevator full of funk for 7 floors; it isn't going anywhere it's down for the long haul. "I didn't sign up for this shit. Who did I wrong? Fuck it's in my mouth, I can taste it. Oh, now this lady getting on the elevator going to think I put in this work. Fuck my life and fuck working on the top floor of this building. I should have taken the stairs."

Little kids with dried up snot of their faces
It's something about seeing a little black boy running around with that thick scab hard dried up snot on his face just let me know that his parents ain't shit and he's got such a hard road ahead of him. Do you know how long it takes snot to dry up hard like that? At least 20 minutes. That means he's out and about and his parents aren't even checking for him. It's going to take a hot rag soaked in rubbing alcohol and a chisel to get that shit off his face.

Ugly lightskin bitches with high self-esteem
This inside lightskin vs. darkskin racism has done a terrible injustice to you unfortunate faced lightskin girls. No matter what onset physical adversities these poor red bone women have, they carry an air of confidence like they just made the finals of America's Next Top Model. It just hurts my soul when I see them talking and carrying on like they are on top of the world even though I know they'll probably die alone.

Ignant coons talking politics
I appreciate Obama coming along and making every black person get involved and way more vocal in government policies. Somehow the least informed coons are the most vocal and bias though. I know your president is black but so is everybody else's. Who died and made you the black Bill Maher? They should have never gave you niggas internet.

Fat women with little titties
I can't think of a worst physical combination than a large woman with anorexic breasts. She lost the genetic lottery and it just breaks my little heart.

I get sad sometimes too
Jean DeGrate has spoken

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice dose of funny my dude. The poor tiny titted fat chicks! Please believe, redbone does in fact come in an ugly size. Also from a fellow self-proclaimed movie buff I can appreciate the Above the RIM / Star Trek 3 reference at the start of your blog. Well done.
