Monday, September 20, 2010

What Do You Bring to The Table?

So I’m on an ex-girlfriend’s Facebook page, where she and her homies are going in on what men don’t bring to the table. Her exact status read “If you don’t have anything to bring to the table then don’t sit”. She goes on further to say “I guess this is why everybody is single... because men lost sight of their role as the provider. Just because women are working and handling their business, does that give men the right to slack off? Don’t back down, man up and accept the challenge.” Ok my first thought was “BITCH what do you bring to the table?” but I opted not to put that on her status.

I’m a provider
I provide for my daughter. I got a doll house in my living room with Barbie and all her homies chilling in it. I put food in her belly, clothes on her back, fulfill all her needs and do my best to cover all her wants, meaning when she points at some shit on TV I buy that. Then again; she’s my child, she’s my family I’m obliged to take care of her needs; as I am to hold my brother and mother down if need be. So yeah I’m a fucking provider for my family.

What will I provide for you?
You want drinks, dinner, maybe a movie or a night out on the town? Cool, I got all that, we don’t even have to wait to payday we can go today. I also provide good conversation that will keep you up the wee hours of the morning and having you feeling like you’re in high school all over again. I’ve been know put a smile on the face of the opposite sex from time to time, even invoke a chuckle or two. At the end of the day I provide entertainment and companionship but I also expect the same out of chick sitting at the other side of the dinner table.

Ms New Booty or Ms Current Booty or Ms Not My Wife/Fiancée
My last W-2 puts me at 100k+, but guess what your cut of that is? Guess how much I’ll be putting on your light bill/cable bill/rent for a place that I don’t turn a key at? Guess how much I’ll be dropping on your nails/hair? Guess how much I’m willing to spend to upgrade your wardrobe/shoe game? Not a muthafucking dime. I don’t trick PERIOD! If I got to reach in my pocket to upgrade your lifestyle yeah you got the wrong dude.

I’m not that guy
Jean DeGrate has spoken