Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rules to having a successful “Jump Off” relationship

***Some folks don’t think it can be done i.e. CaShawn***

Before I get started a Jump Off relationship is a temporary thing it’s more of a quick fix until the next “real thing” comes along or the sex gets old (which ever comes first). Now with that understood on with the response...

You can’t plan a jump off; it kind of just happens like when you got this great face to face sexual chemistry but talking on the phone with each other is about as stimulating as watching the Emergency Broadcast Signal on loop.

Having a jump off doesn’t mean saying “Look here I’m only going to call you when I need to get my rocks off” it’s more like an unspoken understanding once you speak on it you’ve tainted it and you might as well cancel that jump off ASAP. Being in a jump off situation doesn’t mean calls and text messages that start at midnight either; you can enjoy the company of your jump off outside of the bedroom but you understand that she will never be your girlfriend or vice versa.

And now the rules...

1. Being in a Jump Off relationship is a two-way street you both have to have the same mind set there is no room for jealousy or territorialism. In other words you have to be able to share and even let go if need be. Please wrap your head around that concept.

2. You must retain an “Oh well” nonchalant attitude if you can’t take the heat you can’t do a jump off relationship

3. Frequency kills. If you getting up with her once or twice a month you’re good, once or twice every 3 months is golden, but once or twice a week you’re headed for trouble.

4. There are no upgrades. This is the best it’s going to get you can only go down from here or fade away.

5. The moment you stop having fun WALK AWAY

Follow these rules and you too can have Jump Off success emotional unscarred and soul intact despite what PBG might have to say.
Jean DeGrate has spoken

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